How To Get Started With Rock Climbing

How To Get Started With Rock Climbing

For those of us who didn’t do so well in gym class or are self-conscious about our limited upper body strength, the prospect of rock climbing can be daunting, to put it mildly. But getting started climbing isn’t so different from diving into any other type of new workout routine, once you know how to prepare (both mentally and otherwise).

The obliging team at Brooklyn Boulders walks us through what to expect from your first time climbing, from what to wear, unexpected considerations (trim your nails!), how to mentally prepare for early setbacks, and why you’ll be hooked after your second or third session.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”” title=”How Rock Climbing Changed My Life” excerpt=”Rock climbing changed my life. Crazy to think that; crazy to say that — that this niche pursuit gave me so much. Made me a better person, but it’s the truth. Rock climbing literally changed my life.”]

Video Credits:

Senior Producer: Kiran Chitanvis

Producer: Carmen Hilbert

Creative Producer: Jorge Corona

Associate Producer & Rock Climber: John Dargan


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