Improve Your Resume With This Online Cheat Sheet

A good resume should be able to fit your work history, education and contact details onto a single page (two pages max.) Despite the brevity, there’s still a lot that can go wrong. This infographic from job seeker site Eapplicants looks at some common pitfalls to avoid along with suggested action verbs to help your resume stand out from the crowd.

As Eapplicants explains on its blog, your resume is supposed to serve a singular purpose: to define who you are as a potential employee. Unlike a CV, you should always carefully tailor your resume to suit the job at hand. Here are some tips and tweaks to help you get it into fighting shape.

For more resume advice, head to the Eapplicants website or have a look through our resumes tag for tips and comprehensive guides.

[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”The One-Page Resume Of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos” excerpt=”Jeff Bezos is officially the richest human being on the planet. As one of the key founders of Amazon, Google, Airbnb, Twitter and Uber, the man clearly has a lot to crow about when it comes to professional skills and achievements. Nevertheless, it’s possible to cram everything important into a single page – which means you really need to trim the fat from your own resume.”]

[Via Eapplicants


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