Even the cheapest, most basic butter is a thing of beauty but, just as I love many salts of various price points and colours, I love all sorts of different butters, from the cultured to compound. Actually, my new favourite child happens to be a compound butter that’s quite cultured — all you need is a little yogurt.
[referenced url=”https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2018/12/what-are-your-best-butter-tips-and-tricks/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/vhyxobtujwsljrdq0lex.jpg” title=”What Are Your Best Butter Tips And Tricks?” excerpt=”Last night, as I was watching my stepmother prepare supper, I spied a plate — not a dish nor a bowl — but a plate of melted butter. She then proceeded to dip slices of French bread in the pool of butter, coating them completely from edge to edge before popping them in the toasted oven.”]
According to Food & Wine, the folks at the Icelandic restaurant The Retreat add skyr to butter, along with locally harvested seaweed and lava salt. I don’t have either of those last two on hand, but I do have easy access to yogurt, and can confirm that folding it into butter is an excellent idea.
Food & Wine wasn’t particularly forthcoming with ratios, so I decided to try two tablespoons of yogurt with four ounces of Kerrygold butter. I let the butter come completely to room temperature, then mashed it around in a bowl with a wooden spoon, added the yogurt, and continued to stir and mash until I had a homogenous mixture.
I popped the bowl in the fridge for 15 minutes to let it firm up, then rolled it into a ball, gently blotting the excess moisture with a paper towel before wrapping it in parchment paper and returning it to the fridge for another 10 minutes.
I then spread it on some bread, and gave it a taste. Two things were immediately apparent. For one, it spread like a dream. Even straight out of the fridge — and I have a ramekin of the stuff that’s been hanging out in the fridge for a few hours now — it offers no resistance while being smeared across your favourite bread.
Then (of course) there is the taste. The yogurt adds a gentle, creamy tang not unlike (you guessed it) cultured butter. It also adds a bit of substance, which makes it an ideal candidate for dipping, particularly if you are a fan of dipping your radishes into butter — a practice everyone should adopt. I haven’t tried it on a baked potato yet, but I feel comfortable predicting that it will be good. In fact, you can quote me on that.