7 Reasons I Hoard Bonne Maman Jam Jars
The only jam I buy with any regularity is Bonne Maman strawberry preserves. It is a perfect product. It’s sweet and tart, with discernible pieces of berry, and it comes packed in a Bonne Maman jar, another perfect product that I hoard like a little jar goblin.
The Best Grilled Chicken Marinade Has Just 2 Ingredients
I cannot deny myself the simple pleasure of grilled chicken thighs, particularly if those thighs have been made in a perfect marinade.
Caramelise a Lemon Immediately
We here at Skillet love to brown our food. We brown it deeply and thoroughly. We also love to caramelise. And while onions and other alliums get most of the attention when it comes to browning and caramelising, I’d like to bring your attention to another food that is transformed by the power of non-enzymatic…
11 of our Best Dips for Any Dip-Worthy Event
Dip is one of the pillar food groups in my diet. It’s versatile, and it significantly improves the eating experience of anything from omelettes to raw vegetables. Heck, sometimes it’s even made of vegetables. Here at Skillet we’ve thoughtfully developed and explored many dips, and dip-making options, suitable for everything from the Rihanna concert/Super Bowl…