Apple released an update to their MacBook Pro systems about a week ago. While there were a few less-heralded upgrades made to the flagship notebook computer, Apple made sure we all knew that the new MacBook Pro can ship with a Core i9 processor. But it may turn out they should have upgraded the computer’s cooling system as well.
Adding the 2.9GHz 6-core eighth‑generation Intel Core i9 processor puts another $600 onto the price of the 15-inch MacBook Pro. That means you’ll need to fork out at least $4099 to get your hands on one of these. But if you want to use all of those 2.9GHz, you’ll need to buy or rent a cool room.
One YouTuber, Dave Lee, resorted to running his MacBook Pro in a freezer in order to get the MacBook Pro to run at the advertised maximum speed.
Lee said that the computer was slower than the 2017 MacBook Pro running a Core i7 CPU and that the new model couldn’t maintain basic clock speed without additional cooling.
It’s possible Lee has a dud system that has been compromised in some way. And it’s important to stress this is one test that needs to be validated.
It’s hard to believe Apple would release a device that is throttled to not operate at the maximum clock speed under normal operating conditions. According to some speculation, it may be the case that the system Lee tested was defective and shipped with “improper thermal paste”.
But if it’s not, then Apple may find themselves facing a storm of criticism and the ire of regulators, like the ACCC, who take a dim view of poorly worded specifications. That’s something Apple learned about the hard way a few years ago when they advertised 4G connectivity in the iPad before such networks were available here.
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