As we all know, private or incognito mode on your web browser isn’t quite as private as you think. Which is why we suggest a VPN is needed for better privacy. It seems the folks at Pornhub agree. They’ve released VPNhub – a fast and free, they say, multi-platform VPN service that guarantees anonymity and the ability to bypass censorship.
The new service, which has iOS, Android, WIndows and Mac OS versions, is free and unlimited although there’s also a Premium version that’s faster and offers more connection points around the world. The free version only offers connection points in the USA with the premium version costing either $18.49 for a month or $76.99 for a year.
Rather than building the app themselves, Pornhub has chosen to partner with AppAtomic. Their privacy policy states:
We do not track user activities outside of our Applications, nor do we track the browsing activities of users who are logged into our VPN service.
However, the policy has the somewhat ambiguous and weasly-sounding
We may use or engage others to use cookies, clear gifs, and similar technologies to understand how users access and use our Applications. In general, you can browse our Applications without telling us who you are or submitting any personal information.
The “In general” is a bit of a worry I think.
Ultimately, one of the biggest issues we face when choosing a VPN is working out of we can trust the provider. A look at the policy has me asking some serious trust questions. And, as I don’t really know AppAtomic, I don’t really know much about their reputation in delivering secure services.
Would you trust them? What’s your preferred VPN solution?
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