The good news is that Australia is one of the best locations in the world to watch tonight’s total lunar eclipse. The bad news is that clouds and rain are threatening to spoil the show.
Here is tonight’s weather forecast and estimated cloud cover for each capital city. Sydneysiders may want to bring an umbrella.
On January 31, a rare Super Blood Blue Moon will light up the Earth sky during a total lunar eclipse. It’s the first time a celestial event of this nature has occurred in almost 35 years. (Some areas of the globe have been waiting one-and-a-half centuries!) Unfortunately, a lot of Aussies are going to have their view obscured by a blanket of clouds.
The weather data below comes courtesy of ‘Cloud cover’ refers to the fraction of the sky obscured by clouds when observed from a particular location.
- Sydney Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): Showers, 95% Cloud Cover.
- Melbourne Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): Partly cloudy, 86% Cloud Cover.
- Brisbane Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): A passing shower, 79% Cloud Cover.
- Canberra Wednesday night weather (January 31): Partly cloudy, 62% Cloud Cover.
- Perth Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): Clear, 0% Cloud Cover.
- Adelaide Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): Partly cloudy, 85% Cloud Cover.
- Hobart Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): Partly to mostly cloudy, 61% Cloud Cover.
- Darwin Wednesday night weather forecast (January 31): Showers, 65% Cloud Cover.
As you can see, clear skies won’t be in abundance on January 31. With the exception of Perth, none of Australia’s capital cities are expected to be cloud free on Wednesday night. Hopefully we don’t have to wait another 150 years for the next one, eh?
While a bunch of clouds in the night sky obviously isn’t ideal, it should still be worth heading outside for a looksie. If you’re bringing a camera, you might even get more evocative photos (clouds are ‘moody’ dontchaknow).
You can also watch a livestream of the eclipse via The Virtual Telescope Project. For more Super Blue Blood Moon viewing tips, head to the link below.
[referenced url=”” thumb=”×231.jpg” title=”Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse: How And When To Watch In Australia” excerpt=”Whether you call it a super moon, blood moon or Super Blood Blue Moon, Wednesday’s total lunar eclipse is going to be spectacular. Earthlings haven’t seen a celestial event like this in nearly 150 Years – and Australians have the one of the best seats in the world! Here’s what you need to know for an optimum viewing experience in each state and territory.”]
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