Now there’s literally no incentive to delete your email: Microsoft has tweaked the archiving feature for enterprise users of Office 365 so that storage expands infinitely and automatically.
Picture: Getty Images/Carsten Koall
Enterprise customers who license Office 365 under E3 or E4 plans already have the option of unlimited email archiving storage space. However, if very large archives are created — either through mail piling up or by importing an on-premises email archive into Office 365 — internal limits can restrict storage, requiring intervention by a Microsoft tech. But that’s no longer the case, as a post on the Office 365 blog explains:
To accommodate customers who require very, very large archiving storage, we are pleased to announce new auto-expanding, highly scalable archiving. This allows you to take advantage of a truly bottomless archive without needing to call support or perform any manual steps. Through an update to our back-end architecture, we not only enabled auto-expanding archives, but also removed limits on the Recoverable Items store.
That update is rolling out “over the coming weeks”, according to Microsoft.
And yes, OK, you might want to delete emails that are embarrassing, even if space isn’t a constraint. But depending on how the enterprise archiving policies are set, even that might not delete all traces. So that reminds of us of the other key lesson of email: never write anything you wouldn’t be happy to see made public eventually.
Announcing auto-expanding, highly scalable archives for Office 365 email [Office 365 Blog]