Job interviews require preparation. You can’t plan ahead for absolutely everything you may encounter, but you can prepare enough so that you feel confident. This printable checklist will get you there.
Photo by Konrad Neuwirth.
You can find a printable PDF at the end of this post for download, but here are the items to follow with a little added detail if you want to learn more:
- Make a list of questions you might have to answer.
- Make a list of questions you want to ask.
- Research common salaries for your job in your location, decide how much you’d like to make, and determine how little you’re willing to accept.
- Prepare answers to your questions.
- Prepare three stories about yourself that you can tell if they come up during the interview.
- Practise the interview with a friend (or two).
- Take a test drive over to the interview location to get an idea of the route and traffic.
- Nail the interview.