• Watch Out for This Malware Hosted on GitHub and FileZilla

    Watch Out for This Malware Hosted on GitHub and FileZilla

    Bad actors are using malware disguised as credible software (such as 1Password, Bartender 5, and Pixelmator Pro) to infect Windows and macOS computers. The malware is being distributed through exploits hosted on both GitHub and FileZilla to efficiently infect the target computers. The malware gives the group behind the operation, which originates from the Commonwealth…

  • Slack Is Using Your Private Conversations to Train Its AI

    Slack Is Using Your Private Conversations to Train Its AI

    Slack users across the web—on Mastodon, on Threads, and on Hackernews—have responded with alarm to an obscure privacy page that outlines the ways in which their Slack conversations, including DMs, are used to train what the Salesforce-owned company calls “Machine Learning” (ML) and “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) systems. The only way to opt out of these…