
  • Why You Should Plank Before Squats Or Deadlifts

    We’ve all heard the phrase “engage your core” as it relates to lifting. And your core strength is crucial—we’ve written about it in the past—it’s the difference between a crappy deadlift and a great one. Or a mediocre pushup and one with perfect form. Basically, if you’re doing anything requiring some kind of strength, core…

  • You Should Fully Reset Between Each Deadlift Rep

    You Should Fully Reset Between Each Deadlift Rep

    I’ve had three different lower-back injuries in my life, all thanks to crappy deadlift form. It wasn’t until a few years ago, after joining a powerlifting gym, that I finally learned what might be the single biggest contributor to my nagging back pain: The act of touch-and-go deadlifts and only lightly grazing the floor between…