Don’t Use Detergent on Your Rain Gear (Do This Instead)
You really only wear your waterproof gear when it’s raining, so you could be forgiven for thinking it’s not something you need to wash all the time. It’s practically getting a rinse every time you put it on, right? If only. As it turns out, the more water your raincoat keeps off of you, the…
The Best (and Worst) Types of Flooring If You Have a Dog
Having a dog impacts many different aspects of your life — from your travel plans, to your household expenses, to the amount of fur on your clothing. But one of the biggest things that changes after getting a dog (some types more than others) is your home.
Can You Really Waterproof A Shoe With A Candle?
Video: Like it or not, sometimes we all must endure cold and wet winter weather while we carry on with life and work. But neither cold nor rain stays these life hackers from the swift completion of their appointed blogs! That’s why we’re putting a few cold weather tips to the test.