vacuum cleaner

  • The Easiest Way to Clean Gunk Out of Your Sliding Door Track

    The Easiest Way to Clean Gunk Out of Your Sliding Door Track

    If you’ve got a sliding door in your home, you’re probably familiar with the dirt and grime that has a tendency to gunk up the track. Cleaning that track might not be a regular priority, but when it starts slowing down the door (or causing it to stick altogether), it’s time to tackle the job.…

  • How to Dust Everything in Your Home

    How to Dust Everything in Your Home

    I love dusting. There’s something extremely satisfying about running a piece of cloth across a surface and watching it become instantly brighter, or pulling a few books out of a bookshelf, admiring the book-shaped gunk outline you didn’t even know was there, and then making it disappear.

  • How to Clean Your Air Vents

    How to Clean Your Air Vents

    If you’re lucky enough to have air conditioning, you probably don’t think about the air vents unless something goes wrong or the filter needs replacing. Changing out the filters once a month only solves half the problem, though, if the vent itself is just circulating dust and dander right back into your home. Home maintenance…