
  • Living Near A Major Road Linked To Dementia, Study Finds

    If you live less than 50 meteres from a major road, you may be more likely to develop dementia. That’s what that results of a recent study looking at 6.6 million people has found, the first to investigate the link between living close to heavy traffic and the onset of major neurodegenerative diseases.

  • The Worst Cities For Traffic Around The World

    The Worst Cities For Traffic Around The World

    Sydney is notorious for traffic congestion, but a handful of other cities around the world are just as bad (or worse). Recently released data shows what traffic is like in major cities around the world. If you’re planning a big move or will be driving around during business trips, you’ll want to explore the tool…

  • Ask LH: Should I Contest This Traffic Fine?

    Dear Lifehacker, I received an infringement from the police for not stopping at a Give Way sign which I didn’t notice was there. However, I believe another involved driver was at fault. When I attempted to turn right, the other car wasn’t there. The only reason they did an emergency stop was because they failed…