
  • Prevent Diaper Change Messes With A Song

    It’s sort of inevitable. At some point, your toddler is going to start grabbing at their diaper area while you’re changing their diaper and they’re going to end up with a fistful of bodily fluids (or solids) and it’s going to be frustrating. Sometimes you can distract them with a toy or a clean diaper.…

  • How To Handle A Public Toddler Tantrum

    We were in the supermarket’s parking lot. My daughter — who was two at the time — refused to get into her car seat. I tried coaxing her calmly, and then not calmly at all. Soon, it was a scene. She screamed as I wrangled her flailing body, my foot stretched out behind me to…

  • Parents, Get A Library Stool For Your Kitchen

    For many, this rolling rubber apparatus conjures up visions of your local public library. You might find them sprinkled throughout the aisles (although they have a way of disappearing whenever you need one the most). They’ve got that wider shelf to hold your books while you step up to snag an out-of-reach title, and it…

  • Make Food Fun For Your Picky Eater

    Make Food Fun For Your Picky Eater

    Little kids are notoriously difficult creatures to feed. They gaze at their meals with a sceptical eye—“Um, why is this meatball lumpy? Is my pasta touching my peas? What? An orange carrot? That’s it, I’m done.”