
  • Make Cocktail Syrups Even If You Don’t Drink Cocktails

    My fridge is full of syrups. Besides the obligatory maple, there’s some cheap-o “pancake syrup,” some berry honey, a bottle of simple syrup, and a bottle of honey syrup. Historically speaking, the last two have been used primarily for cocktails, but literally everyone should have them in their fridge, whether they drink or not.

  • Make No-Cook Fruit Syrups With Peels, Stems And Pits

    When it comes to fruit, it’s the flesh people want, but that flesh often clings to stems, pits, and peels, and tossing those bits means you’re tossing out flavour. Lucky for us, Queen of Sweets Stella Parks has a solution: Use these supposed scraps to make vibrant no-cook syrups.

  • Make A Cocktail Syrup Out Of Inedible Thyme Stems

    Make A Cocktail Syrup Out Of Inedible Thyme Stems

    One can never have too much thyme, but I often find myself with a lot of leftover thyme stems. These woody, inedible, but still fragrant little plant parts may seem unusable, but you can reclaim every bit of your thyme by using them to flavour cocktail syrup.