
  • How To Choose The Right Doula For You

    In 2019, it’s almost certain that any pregnant person with a smartphone and an Instagram account knows what a doula is (a non-medical childbirth support person, for any latecomers). A doula can accompany pregnant women through the transformative process of pregnancy, labour and postpartum. And there is evidence that a doula can provide both physical…

  • How To Support A Friend Who Has Lost A Child

    If someone close to you has ever lost a child, you know how devastating that type of loss can be — and how utterly helpless it can feel to those who love them and can’t ease their pain. While there is no “fixing” this deep of a loss, there are things that friends and family…

  • How To Support Someone You Love Through Infertility

    About 10 per cent of women have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant, so chances are good that someone you love is facing or will face infertility. But if you haven’t experienced it yourself (or even if you did but your circumstances were different), it might be hard to know what to say or do…