
  • How To Get Sunscreen On Your Kid Without A Battle

    Summer is just around the corner, which means bike rides, pool time, trips to the beach and a whole lot of whining about sunscreen application. It’s unlikely that your kids are ever going to love the process — after all, it delays their fun. But if you go in with a plan, you might be…

  • It’s Time To Bring Back The Sun Umbrella

    Many of us apply sunscreen when we go to the beach. But walking outside under the fierce summer sun – even if it’s to run a quick errand – can be taxing: We sweat, we get exhausted, we burn and we expose ourselves to dangerous UV rays. In Asian countries, many people have a convenient…

  • DIY Sunscreen Doesn’t Work

    You can google up a recipe for anything, including sunscreen. Places like Pinterest are full of instructions for blending natural oils with zinc oxide to make something to protect yourself from the sun. Unfortunately, a DIY approach isn’t likely to make an effective sunscreen.