
  • Make Next-Level Nachos by Melting Shredded Cheese in Queso

    Make Next-Level Nachos by Melting Shredded Cheese in Queso

    Usually, when one makes nachos (or cheese fries), there comes a point when you have to choose between a creamy, saucy queso and a gloriously stretchy cheese pull. Queso does not stretch like melted, shredded cheese, and shredded cheese has a tendency to grease out and solidify quite quickly — but, with their powers combined,…

  • Replace Spinach With Brussels Sprouts in All Your Hot Dips

    Replace Spinach With Brussels Sprouts in All Your Hot Dips

    People love to bury vegetables in cheese. And why wouldn’t they? It makes them taste better, and is the only thing that can turn previously frozen, wet spinach and bland, canned artichokes into a dip that gets veritably inhaled at holiday gatherings. People don’t shove it into their mouths because they love previously-frozen spinach, they…