
  • Where to Watch ‘Record of Ragnarök’ (and What You Should Know)

    Where to Watch ‘Record of Ragnarök’ (and What You Should Know)

    The clash of the immortals and mortals continues as Record of Ragnarök Season 2, part 2 returned to Netflix on July 12. In the popular anime, gods from different cultures gathered to decide the fate of humanity—but people have a say in the matter, leading to immortals duking it out with humans in a tournament.…

  • Thor Ragnarok: Excellent Adventure Or Bogus Journey?

    In Norse Mythology, Ragnarök – the twilight of the Gods – isn’t the end of all things, but rather, a chance for the world to begin anew. It’s an apt title for Taika Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok, which takes the director’s boisterous energy and invigorates one of Marvel’s weakest franchises.