
  • Make Mini Beef Wellingtons Because Why Not?

    Make Mini Beef Wellingtons Because Why Not?

    Assembling a classic beef Wellington is a bit of a dramatic process. There’s a hectic rolling procedure, long bake time, and when you slice it to serve, all of the delicious goodies fall out. As with my outlook on 2023, I’m choosing to take the drama out of it, and turn this giant meat centrepiece…

  • Your Crowded Fridge Needs Cardboard Shelves

    Your Crowded Fridge Needs Cardboard Shelves

    The best part of hosting a big dinner is serving an impressive meal. The worst part is finding a way to store everything in the fridge and freezer beforehand. Between pies, meat dishes, five kilos of cooked potatoes, and, oh, that massive 7 kg bird dry-brining on the entire bottom shelf, how do you find…