
  • 10 Versatile Exercises to Do With Tiny Dumbbells

    10 Versatile Exercises to Do With Tiny Dumbbells

    When you’re just starting to work out, small dumbbells are a godsend: You can do the same exercises as everyone else, but with less weight. When we get strong enough, we often leave those little dumbbells behind, and that’s a shame. There are actually a lot of worthwhile exercises that don’t require much in the…

  • How (and Why) to Do Copenhagen Planks

    How (and Why) to Do Copenhagen Planks

    We last saw Copenhagen planks in our rundown of the best bodyweight exercises that actually build strength. But it’s an under-appreciated exercise, and deserves a spotlight of its own. The Copenhagen plank looks a bit like a side plank: You’re leaning on your hand or elbow, other arm away from the ground, trying to hold…