
  • Your Broccoli Stems Can Make a Tasty Tart

    Your Broccoli Stems Can Make a Tasty Tart

    I have never been the type of person who avoids the stem portion of broccoli, but I’ve heard that such people exist. I think I actually prefer the more substantial stems to the florets, which are dry, fibrous, and fluffy when raw. (I want fluff in my pillows, not in my mouth.)

  • Your Pie Dough Doesn’t Need To Be ‘Hacked’

    For reasons I will never fully understand, the only part of pie-making that anyone tries to hack is by far the easiest. Mixing pastry dough could not be simpler; all you’re doing is barely binding cold fat and flour together with a little water. It is not a process that needs hacking.

  • Common Custard Pie Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

    Common Custard Pie Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

    Baked custards are everywhere on the holiday dessert table. Apart from apple pie, just about every other holiday classic calls for baking a sugar-and-egg slurry until perfectly set. It seems simple enough, but custard pies are notoriously tricky — especially when canned pumpkin gets involved.