
  • Clean Your Stove While The Oven Is On 

    Clean Your Stove While The Oven Is On 

    I develop recipes for a living, which means my stovetop is basically always a disaster. Cleaning sucks, and even though I know it creates more work in the long run, I’ll find any excuse to avoid wiping oil spatters off my stove.

  • Bring Stale Popcorn Back To Life With A Little Time In The Oven

    Bring Stale Popcorn Back To Life With A Little Time In The Oven

    Popcorn is the ultimate Netflix-watching snack, but I tend to overestimate the amount I’ll be able to consume in one sitting, resulting in at least half a bowl of sad, stale remnants. Tossing the fluffy kernels brings me great sadness, but The Kitchn has an elegant solution: you just need to turn on your oven.