
  • 35 Essential Blockbusters From the Past 20 Years

    35 Essential Blockbusters From the Past 20 Years

    Remember movie theatres? Remember summer movies from the U.S.? It’s been a long time (463 days as of this writing) since I last sat in a big, darkened room with strangers to experience a grand entertainment on the big screen (in that case, Cats). I truly hope to do so again soon — but sadly,…

  • What’s New on Amazon Prime Video in June 2021

    What’s New on Amazon Prime Video in June 2021

    In 2002, Oscar-winning Italian actor Roberto Benigni, who’d earlier found worldwide acclaim with, of all things, a sugar-coated chronicle of the horrors of the Holocaust, produced his most harrowing film yet: A live-action version of his home country’s most beloved children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio in which the 50-year-old actor himself played the sprightly…

  • 27 Movies to Stream When You Need a Good Cry

    27 Movies to Stream When You Need a Good Cry

    The past year has inundated us with so many horrors — untold lives needlessly lost to a virus allowed to proliferate unchecked, so many others forever damaged by the ongoing pandemic of racism, not to mention the ever-present specters of economic uncertainty and looming climate disaster — I won’t fault you if you’ve become numb…

  • 24 Action-Adventure Movies With Arse-Kicking Women

    24 Action-Adventure Movies With Arse-Kicking Women

    Growing up, my favourite movies were Indiana Jones, The Lord of the Rings, James Bond — anything with action and adventure. They typically starred daring men, but as a young woman I started admire more powerful, smart women who could command a room. Fast forward to today, and more women than ever are badasses who command…