
  • Why Not Grate an Apple Into Your Overnight Oats?

    Why Not Grate an Apple Into Your Overnight Oats?

    Overnight oats are one of the great classic breakfast hacks. You probably already know this. You can make them with almond milk or real milk, with yogurt or without, with raisins and nuts or with pumpkin puree and chia seeds. But I need to ask you: have you ever considered grating a whole apple in…

  • Improve Your Oatmeal By Treating It Like Risotto

    I am a staunch savoury breakfast eater. Though I love sugar, starting my day with it leads to all sorts of issues, and I just never crave sweets upon waking. For this reason, I’ve always avoided oatmeal, a bland gruel that’s usually doctored with butter, sugar, and other toppings fit for a cookie.