
  • What to Look For in a Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Trainer

    What to Look For in a Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Trainer

    Staying fit during and after pregnancy is an important part of that whole “giving birth” thing. Regular exercise during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of gestational diabetes as well as the potential you’ll need a C-section, while also mitigating some of the more uncomfortable aspects of growing a tiny human, such as backaches and…

  • How To Set Realistic Expectations For Parenthood

    How To Set Realistic Expectations For Parenthood

    The moment your baby is born, you’ll be madly in love. Your heart will be complete! Oh, and it’s going to be so sexy watching your partner take care of a newborn. You’ll just want to have sex with them all the time! Also, for all those things like breastfeeding, sleep, your body and your…

  • Mums, Here’s How Marketers Are Getting You To Spend Money

    Mums, Here’s How Marketers Are Getting You To Spend Money

    I’ve hardly purchased any new items for my second baby on the way, but I’ve wanted to — this is evidenced by the smattering of product screenshots I’ve saved. In the middle of the night, when I can’t seem to get my nine-month-pregnant body comfortable in my monster sausage of a maternity pillow, I’ll move…

  • What All Parents Can Learn From Single Parents 

    What All Parents Can Learn From Single Parents 

    I was three and a half months pregnant when my partner and I separated, and I suddenly had to rearrange my life around something I’d never anticipated: single parenthood. In operatic moments, I made mental ledgers of all the things I’d likely have to give up as a sole caretaker: my demanding career, my exercise…