mental health

  • Why You Should See a Therapist Even If You Don’t ‘Need’ One

    Why You Should See a Therapist Even If You Don’t ‘Need’ One

    Although the stigma surrounding mental health and therapy is fading, it’s still there. Many people think of therapy as something you turn to only when you’re actively struggling with your mental health, or as something only weak and unsuccessful people use. For folks who do go to therapy for one reason or another, one of…

  • How to Make It Through Father’s Day If It’s Difficult for You

    How to Make It Through Father’s Day If It’s Difficult for You

    Like Mother’s Day — or most holidays, really — Father’s Day can be polarising. For some, it’s a fun excuse to get the family together to have a barbecue and shower Dad with gifts. But for others, it triggers upsetting memories. If you fall into that second category, getting through the first Sunday in September…