16 Easy Ways to Create More Meaningful Memories With the People You Love
In 2011, on a flight to Portland, Ore., I saw physicist Michio Kaku doing long hand calculations with a pencil and notepad. I was like, “Damn, I just occupied the same space as Michio Kaku doing physics.” Later that evening, our paths crossed again at the world-famous Powell’s Books where Kaku was signing his latest.…
Are ‘Core Memories’ Even Real?
What are your core memories from childhood? Can you lock in a core memory by choice? What do your core memories say about you? The notion of “core memories” has become well known in popular culture. First seen in the 2015 movie Inside Out, core memories are thought to be your five or so most…
How to Take Your Kid’s School Pictures at Home
The pandemic has taken so much from us — but do you know what it doesn’t have to take? Our kid’s awkwardly posed school pictures (complete with traditional blue or grey background), that’s what.
Document Your Baby’s First Year Of Life With ‘1 Second Everyday’
Yes, it’s cliché to exclaim that kids “grow up so fast!” But it’s become a cliché because it’s true. Especially when it comes to babies, the developmental changes children undergo from birth to one year old are staggering and can seem to happen miraculously overnight, even though you just spent the whole year staring right…