
  • Your Freezer Needs an Ice Bag

    Your Freezer Needs an Ice Bag

    I don’t know how or where you were raised, but I was raised by Southern people, both in Mississippi and Los Angeles. My people are iced tea drinkers, which makes having a steady supply of frozen water very important, especially when it’s hot out, which was almost always.

  • Yes, You Need to Clean Your Dirty Broom

    Yes, You Need to Clean Your Dirty Broom

    Yes, your broom is for cleaning, but even things that are for cleaning also need to be cleaned themselves. You shouldn’t be pushing a dirty tool around on the floor expecting it not to impede your quest to stop the floor from being dirty. Clean brooms are just more effective, so it’s worth it to…

  • Never Vacuum Up These Common Household Messes

    Never Vacuum Up These Common Household Messes

    There are so many smart ways to use a vacuum besides just running it over your carpet, but there are also some things you really shouldn’t be sucking up. You can avoid damaging your expensive machine by learning what can’t be vacuumed. Here are the things to always avoid vacuuming up:

  • The Easiest Way to Never Miss a Spot Sweeping

    The Easiest Way to Never Miss a Spot Sweeping

    Crumbs and dust have a nifty little talent for refusing to actually slide into your dustpan with a broom. However, there’s an easy way to collect them up that you probably never thought of. This hack has been all over TikTok for some time now and has, since its revelation sometime last year, spawned a…