
  • Your Dinner Needs These No-Knead Rolls

    Your Dinner Needs These No-Knead Rolls

    There’s a time and a place for chewy, crusty homemade bread. Bread that requires 12 minutes of constant kneading to make. Bread that’s full of glorious, stretchy gluten. That place is not the dinner table when entertaining. Crusty bread makes a killer day-after-turkey sandwich, but it sure makes a lousy dinner roll. Dinner rolls are…

  • 6 of the Most Bizarre Cat Behaviours (and Why They Do Them)

    6 of the Most Bizarre Cat Behaviours (and Why They Do Them)

    Your cat is a confusing creature. It’s possible — likely even — that most of the things your cat does, aside from maybe napping and eating, perplexes you. But your feline companion needn’t be a mystery. All those head butts? There’s a reason for them. The kneading of soft surfaces? It makes sense in context.…