job interview

  • Our Best Career Advice of 2021 So Far

    Our Best Career Advice of 2021 So Far

    To forge a career is to accept a life of constant learning, which means always being open to soaking up the wisdom of those with greater insight. Though we’re only halfway through 2021, we’ve encountered and shared so much potentially life-changing career advice this year — a year during which the continuing pandemic has made…

  • ‘Cheat’ Your Way to a Great Remote Job Interview

    ‘Cheat’ Your Way to a Great Remote Job Interview

    Chances are that if you’ve landed a job interview in this pandemic-stricken economy, you’re doing it over a video conferencing tool like Zoom or Google Meet. But even if you’re a friendly type who thrives off the organic energy of face-to-face interaction, the remote interview format can work to your advantage.

  • Why You Should Wear A Mask To Your Next Job Interview

    Now that more and more states are reopening, job seekers might find themselves in the position of having to decide how to approach an in-person job interview. Should you wear a mask? Should you avoid shaking hands? Should you attempt to stay at least 1.5 metres away from your interviewers?