individual sports

  • 9 Movies That Will Inspire You to Hit the Gym

    9 Movies That Will Inspire You to Hit the Gym

    Sometimes when we’re sweating away in the gym, our goals can seem quite far away. That’s why it can be so inspiring to watch other athletes who are at the top of their game — they all had to start somewhere, after all. Here are some of our favourite documentary movies and series about real-life…

  • Are the Hooks on Your Squat Rack Too High?

    Are the Hooks on Your Squat Rack Too High?

    This one goes out to the beginner-ish lifters out there who squat and bench, but never feel quite as stable as the experienced lifter in the next rack over. While your form might need a bit of work (and you could probably benefit from squat shoes), there’s another thing you’ve probably overlooked: the height of…

  • Why You Can (And Should) Start Learning Martial Arts Later in Life

    Why You Can (And Should) Start Learning Martial Arts Later in Life

    In the western world, martial arts tends to be defined by stereotypes: People who train are either eight year olds learning Karate kicks, or bloodthirsty brawlers who hope to compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. But the notions that define mainstream popular conceptions of the martial arts aren’t true, and there are plenty of reasons…