
  • How to Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome During the Pandemic

    How to Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome During the Pandemic

    In the past year, many parents had the unexpected experience of their adult children moving back in with them due to various pandemic-related issues, such as their university shifting to online classes, job loss, or financial strain. According to a recent Pew Research Centre poll, 52% of young adults between the ages of 18-29 were…

  • What is ‘Grief Debt’ and How Can We Get Rid of It?

    What is ‘Grief Debt’ and How Can We Get Rid of It?

    As we’ve become all too familiar with over the past year, grief isn’t limited to losing a loved one (although that is its own, particularly painful type of grief). Whether it’s losing a job, not getting to see family and friends for extended periods of time, or simply mourning our pre-pandemic lives, we still have…

  • If Everyone Is OK, Say That First 

    If Everyone Is OK, Say That First 

    If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a phone call that starts out with something like, “So-and-so (person you love) has been in an accident,” followed by a winding and twisting tale that eventually ends with, “But they’re ok,” you know the importance of leading with the good news.