google translate
How to Make Your Google Translate Experience a Little Better/Mejor/Meglio
Here are 5 different tips for getting a better, more seamless, experience when using Google Translate at home.
4 Google Translate Features to Use When Travel is a Thing Again
We’re all familiar with Google Translate to some degree, but here are four cool things you might not know you can do in the app.
Here’s How Google Translate Can Save You From Embarrassment
The first time I went to Japan, I ended up ordering a cold ramen in the dead of winter from an ordering machine because one, all the images looked the same and two, I could not figure out what the Kanji symbols meant. It later presented a similar problem when I realised those same symbols…
The Best Ways To Use Google Translate In A Foreign Country
If all you’ve ever done with Google Translate is copy-and-paste text, you’re missing out. The app can translate signs and menus visually, save your most-used phrases, and more.