dental floss
You Should Be Cutting These Foods With Dental Floss
As we’ve mentioned before, dental floss has many practical uses beyond getting crud out from between your teeth. You can use it as thread, a stand-in for picture-hanging wire, and to support “climbers” in your garden. This pillar of proper oral hygiene can also cleanly and effectively slice certain soft foods — minus all the…
Does Mouthwash Actually Do Anything?
After brushing and flossing, mouthwash completes the trifecta of daily dental care. But do we really need all three steps? Dentists wouldn’t dare tell you to skip flossing or brushing, but it turns out they’re a lot more equivocal about mouthwash.
Use Dental Floss As Emergency Shoelaces And Kitchen Twine
Did you know that “flossing” is more than just a popular dance all the kids are doing?