creative works

  • What’s Your Best Advice for Dealing With Bullies?

    What’s Your Best Advice for Dealing With Bullies?

    The other night over dinner, my son was telling us about a friend of his who was being bullied in school. He’s a super nice 13-year-old, but very shy, and at a new school, so he’s without his posse from last year. A classmate picked up on his awkwardness with that weird weakness-radar that bullies…

  • 19 of the Best Movies With the Worst ‘Uncanny Valley’ Effects

    19 of the Best Movies With the Worst ‘Uncanny Valley’ Effects

    A movie doesn’t have to be a special effects extravaganza to be worth watching, but it seems like we’re increasingly uninterested in going to the theatre to see one if they’re not. And if we’re going to pay good money, we want to those special effects to look special. The move away from practical effects…

  • 13 of the Scariest Movie Premises That Can Actually Happen

    13 of the Scariest Movie Premises That Can Actually Happen

    As a somewhat rational, somewhat-grown-up, I can handle ghost movies. Once the movie ends, I can safely resume normal life knowing that those ghosts, demons, and zombies probably can’t hurt me. But psychological thrillers? Home invasions? Vengeful ex-lovers? Those are the kinds of scary movies that get under my skin and stay there long after…