cooking appliances

  • Why You Shouldn’t Bake Your Pies in an Air Fryer

    Why You Shouldn’t Bake Your Pies in an Air Fryer

    Oven resource management is one of the hardest parts of cooking a holiday meal. If you’re fresh out of oven space and still have one pie left to bake, it’s only natural to start making eyes at your trusty countertop convection oven. “After all, why not?” you may ask yourself. “Why shouldn’t I bake a…

  • Smoke Your Turkey the ‘Wrong Way’ on a Charcoal Grill

    Smoke Your Turkey the ‘Wrong Way’ on a Charcoal Grill

    Smoked turkey is not uncommon. Mention it in conversation, and most people will respond positively. “Oh, I love smoked turkey,” they’ll say. “My dad/grandfather/brother-in-law/uncle smokes one every year.” I have yet to hear someone praise their mother’s, grandmother’s, sister-in-law’s, or aunt’s smoked turkey, and I suspect it is because the women are busy doing everything…

  • What Is a Convection Oven Good for Anyway?

    What Is a Convection Oven Good for Anyway?

    If you, like me, have an oven with a convection setting, there’s a good chance you may not know exactly how it works, what it’s for, or how to actually use it. In conventional ovens, the heat comes from heating units placed at the top and bottom, while a convection oven has a fan and…