cognitive bias
Don’t Let Cognitive Biases Cause You To Engage In Risky Public Health Behaviour
Now that the “new normal” has started feeling, well, normal, how can we ensure we’re still remaining vigilant with our vital public health behaviours? Hand-washing, physical distancing, and mask wearing aren’t going to be less important any time soon, but familiarity can breed laziness, and when it comes to the pandemic, that’s… pretty bad.
How Your Brain Tricks You Into Thinking Magic Is Real
Magic tricks, or illusions, make us go, “ooh,” “ahhh,” and, “how the flippin’ crap did they do that?!” They’re part sleight of hand, part planning, and a lot of brain confusion. Your brain is a liar.
Avoid Magical Thinking In Personal Finance And Make Better Plans
Like most people, I like to daydream about a stage later in my life where all of my financial worries are taken care of and I can pretty much do anything I want with my time. I spend my days going on hiking trails, doing some volunteer work, writing a novel, doing a little bit…