canadian cuisine

  • What You Should Do The Week Before Holiday Dinners

    What You Should Do The Week Before Holiday Dinners

    It’s a little too early to buy your perishables and start baking pies, but only a little. There may be an entire month between now and the 25th of December, but pushing everything onto those last few days will make things very stressful, and you should enjoy one last “normal” weekend before The Holidays kick…

  • Do Not Tent Your Turkey With Foil

    Do Not Tent Your Turkey With Foil

    I have always been a skin eater, much to my mother’s chagrin. “It’s not good for you,” she would say as she peeled the browned and burnished skin off a Costco rotisserie chicken. “I don’t care!” I would shout, as I tried to snatch it off her plate before she threw it in the garbage.

  • Go Ahead and Crowd Your Bacon

    Go Ahead and Crowd Your Bacon

    Usually, when one cooks something in a pan, they are limited by the size of that pan. This is somewhat true with bacon, but not as true as you might think. Most of the images we see of bacon frying show the strips neatly laid out and evenly spaced, but you can really pile it…