
  • Is Bamboo Toilet Paper All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

    Is Bamboo Toilet Paper All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

    None of us expected we’d have as many conversations about toilet paper as we have since the beginning of the pandemic, when stock shortages and mad rushes made TP a hot commodity. In the chaos, you may have even considered alternatives, from bamboo paper to bidets, or you might be considering switching now.

  • How to Hide That You’re Pooping

    How to Hide That You’re Pooping

    The world doesn’t need to know when you’re taking a shit. Sure, it’s a normal bodily function that nobody need be ashamed of — but sometimes you just want to poop without announcing it to everyone via sounds and smells. Here’s how to do that.

  • How to Unclog a Toilet With a Garbage Bag

    How to Unclog a Toilet With a Garbage Bag

    Toilets are funny things. When we have easy access to a clean, working one, we don’t think about them too much. But when we’re stuck someplace without one, toilets quickly become an obsession — and when one in your home malfunctions, it is promoted to The Most Important Thing in Your Life, Currently. You simply…

  • Stop Being an Arsehole When You Share a Bathroom

    Stop Being an Arsehole When You Share a Bathroom

    Nearly one in three U.S. adults live with an “extra adult” in the same shared household, according to Pew Research. Whether it’s with a spouse, sibling, best friend, elderly parent, or a roommate you found on Craigslist, many of us are cohabitating. Which often means sharing a bathroom, the very space in which we clean…