academic disciplines

  • Why Everyone Should Have a Night Light (and How to Choose the Best One)

    Why Everyone Should Have a Night Light (and How to Choose the Best One)

    There are plenty of things we use or engage in as children that have entirely practical applications once you’ve ‘grown up.” Exhibit A: Night lights, those little lights you plug into the wall, soaking a room or hallway with dim, soothing light. Night lights are usually associated with little kids who are scared of the…

  • Can You Actually Fix Your Tech By Smacking It?

    Can You Actually Fix Your Tech By Smacking It?

    Tech “emergencies” are often much simpler than they look. And sometimes, the simplest solution of them all (or the one that feels most instinctual) is to go “dad mode” on it, by which I mean you simply and elegantly smack the shit out your remote until it works again.