• How (and Why) to Mark and Monitor Minor the Cracks in Your Home

    How (and Why) to Mark and Monitor Minor the Cracks in Your Home

    Most homes have a few imperfections or quirks that have been there for as long as you can remember: One replacement bathroom tile that doesn’t quite match the others, an old doorknob that sticks, or perhaps a gouge in the wainscoting. There are also the minor defects that make you second guess your memory; more…

  • The Fastest Ways to Save All Your Open Browser Tabs for Later

    The Fastest Ways to Save All Your Open Browser Tabs for Later

    Tab hoarders have a strong attachment to all the open tabs in their browsers. For these folks—and if you’re reading this, you’re probably one of them—open tabs serve as a combination of a read-later service, bookmarks, and an RSS reader. At some point, you’re definitely going to get around to all of them. Until then,…