The Latest Tips and Tricks To Level Up Every Aspect Of Your Life

We’re here to give you all the life hacks you need to become your very own superhero and stay entertained, whether it’s at home or on an island far away.

  • How to Decide Between a Juicer and a Blender

    How to Decide Between a Juicer and a Blender

    Kitchen appliances seem to gain more and more functionality each year, and with that, the lines can blur. Two appliances that might seem similar and equally capable (some look nearly identical) are the juicer and blender, but they’re actually quite different. Before you start shopping, consider the differences between these machines. It’s pretty likely that…

  • Use ‘Spicetify’ to Give Spotify a Visual Makeover

    Use ‘Spicetify’ to Give Spotify a Visual Makeover

    Spotify isn’t all that customizable straight out of the box. The home screen is populated by a combination of your recent listening and whatever the company is hoping to promote at the moment (right now it’s audiobooks). There’s not a lot you can do to change how the app looks and behaves. But if customization…