
Everything you need to know to improve your health, fitness and well-being, one hack at a time.

  • Your Dog Can Smell Your Stress

    Your Dog Can Smell Your Stress

    Dogs have a long history alongside humans, giving them an amazing ability to read human cues. Dogs also possess an incredible sense of smell, which enables them to detect diseases, such as COVID and lung cancer, in humans from odour alone. Whether dogs’ capabilities extend to detecting odours associated with psychological states has been explored…

  • 12 Little-Known Things That Can Reduce Your Dementia Risk

    12 Little-Known Things That Can Reduce Your Dementia Risk

    Dementia is a leading cause of death in Australia. Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is an avoidable part of ageing. In fact, we all have the power to reduce our risk of developing dementia, no matter your age. Research shows your risk of developing dementia could be reduced by up to 40% (and…