
  • Is a $14 Gym Membership Ever Really Worth It?

    Is a $14 Gym Membership Ever Really Worth It?

    There are lots of ways to begin an exercise routine, and as we pointed out here, it’s not always worth sweating the details. But does it matter what type of gym you join? Gyms with squat racks and barbells give you a lot of options for getting strong, but it’s rare to find one with…

  • The 7 Deadly Sins of Managing People

    The 7 Deadly Sins of Managing People

    Every wage-slave has looked at their boss at some point and thought, “anyone could do that job.” But once you move into the big role yourself, you quickly realise how difficult management actually is. Your employees are only responsible for their own conduct and performance, after all, but you are now responsible for everyone’s conduct…

  • The Easiest Ways to Make Your Sponges Last Longer

    The Easiest Ways to Make Your Sponges Last Longer

    Let me start off by saying sponges are generally bad. Sometimes they smell. Sometimes they’re not up for the task. But love them or hate them, they’re a necessary part of keeping a clean kitchen. If you feel like you’ve been spending more money on sponges recently, you’re not alone. According to the Consumer Price…