
Anthony forged a successful career as an IT executive before turning his communications skills to the media. He has written for every major technology masthead in Australia, covering consumer tech, information security and enterprise systems. He’s been a Lifehacker contributor for many years as well as editing Macworld Australia. He has appeared on every major TV network in Australia and is a regular commentator on radio as well as countless podcasts. As well as writing he runs the occasional marathon and trail race and can be found yelling “Drop it” in a loud voice to his dogs in local parks.
  • Huawei Is Screwed Unless The US Changes Tack

    Last week, things started turning south for Huawei when Google announced that access to Android and the Play Store would be curtailed as a result of a trade ban imposed as part of a trade war between the United States of America and China. Google has been joined by a number of other tech companies.…

  • Apple Will Now Tell You If Updates Will Slow Your iPhone Down

    In 2018, Apple introduced a software update that slowed iPhone performance down if the battery charge reached a level where it was likely that the device would suddenly shutdown. The problem was, it never told anyone that it was manipulating system performance in that way. Apple will now have to tell you when performance could…

  • Google’s Mobile Search Upgrade Is A Bit Of A Worry

    Google has redesigned the way search results on mobile devices are presented, making website branding more overt. The company says this will help users to better understand where information is coming from with the name of the website and its icon appearing at the top of the results. Which sounds good until you check the…