Conquer Your Video Game ‘Shame Pile’ With This Flowchart

Most of us have a bunch of video games in our collection that we’ve never got around to playing. In gaming circles, this is known as the ‘pile of shame’. If you can’t decide which title to pick next, this 90-game flowchart will help you to reach the right decision.

For time-poor gamers, choosing which game to play from your shame pile can be surprisingly tough – do you plump for something fun and mindless or commit to a complex, story-driven RPG? Do you tackle an old classic you’ve always wanted to finish, or begin something shiny and new?

The infographic below comes from online gaming site Silver Oak Casino (AKA the other type of ‘gaming’.) It asks a series of questions to help you choose the video game that best suits your current needs. While some of the included titles are a little baffling (who has time for DuckTales?) and heavily skewed towards the past, the list remains solid overall.

Naturally, you can also use the flowchart to work out which video game you should buy next. Most of these titles (and the consoles they run on) can be found pretty cheap on eBay. (Looks like I’ll be spending the long weekend with Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time.)

[Via Silver Oak Casino]

This story has been updated since its original publication.


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