
  • There’s Now an Official Wordle Archive

    There’s Now an Official Wordle Archive

    Ever since the New York Times bought Wordle, they’ve stuck with its simplicity—one word per day, five letters, that’s it. It occupies one tile in the NYT Games app, unlike the Crossword and Spelling Bee where users can scroll sideways to play previous days’ games. But now, that’s changing: subscribers will soon be able to…

  • Please Do Not Throw Your Old Xbox or Playstation in the Bin

    Please Do Not Throw Your Old Xbox or Playstation in the Bin

    While used PlayStations and Xboxes may not make up a significant portion of e-waste, that doesn’t mean they aren’t contributing to the problem. If you’re upgrading to a newer model after Christmas and have older gaming consoles, don’t trash them — you can likely re-sell them at any electronics store or, at the very least,…