Mayweather Vs McGregor: Watch The Third Press Conference Here!

The McGregor Vs Mayweather intercontinental freak show is heating up – barely 24 hours after their second confrontation in Toronto, the two fighters are gearing up for a third stoush in New York. You can watch the verbal mayhem unfold right here.

Once again. Showtime is streaming the Mayweather Vs McGregor conference on its YouTube channel. We’ve embedded the stream above – simply click on the video to start watching!
If you’re here early, here are some choice quotes from the first two press conferences (which you can watch here and here) to tie you over:

“God only made one thing perfect, and that’s my boxing record.” – Mayweather. 

“You haven’t knocked anyone out in about 20 years.” – McGregor.

“We know Mr Tapout like to quit and you will.” – Mayweather.

“His little legs, his little core, his little head. I’m going to knock him out inside of four rounds, mark my words.” – McGregor.

“The fucking fans can’t fight for you.” – MayWeather.

“If this was a true fight, it wouldn’t even take one round.” – McGregor.

“You line ‘em up and I knock ‘em down. On August 26, I’m gonna knock this bitch out too.” – Mayweather.

“Dance for me, boy!” – McGregor.

“He’s a fucking quitter.” – Mayweather. 

“He’s boxing’s biggest bitch.” -McGregor. 




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